
Synopsis - Read Me - Info

The story begins with a (self aware) introduction where we literaly watch the world being created around us, and see the gods putting evrything in place in order to set in motion there inended schemes.

The first 2/3rds were written in the first night the remaining1/3rd (unfinished) was written the following morning.
There was no initial idea when I started writing, I just wrote what come in to my head, then it become apparent that I needed a direction so I decided to do the following;
Rather than create an entire story with a rough idea of what is going to happen instead I would focus on creating the entire world/universe the coming story would take place in, with the ultimate intention of allowing the reader to become fully imersed with the story (having been there from the very begining)...
I basically have 2 stories I would like to incorporate/transpose in to this world so I have incorporated elements (or left space for them) in the world.

The world is one where gods exist, but are very excentric most of what happens on earth they are not interested in so the gods are effectivly minor character that you need to be aware of.

Basically its more of a foundation of an idea of a world than an actual story (at this point), setting the general rules for future stories that will take place in the confines of this the world and universe it in habits.

Obviously with everything I write I will try and encorporate as much humour in the story as possible.
I will try and create some kind of structure ...I basically have 2 ideas; the first is to make this blog a repository for ONE story (using pages) but my second option is to create the Earth MK2 universe creation intro story a general 'world/ story and then follow that with mini stories that take place in this world/universe.    ...I'm leaning towards the second option at this moment.

All feedback/comments/suggestions are appreciated!


Additional Info:

Inspiration for this concept/story?
This is building upon some general story ideas I already have & a want to improve by challenging myself take on something a little out of my normal scope...
I am a fan of Pratchette and I can see the similarity with the 'discworld' concept but this isn;t inspired by that and I will attempt to prevent it turning in to a parody, The images flowing through my mind as I write are those from science documentaries, persona experiences making 3d worlds, various myths and legends from religions of the world and previous stuff I'm writing,
As with everything I've written in the past I imagine the incorporation of (atmospheric) sound in to the story.

I like the idea of unexpectedness and even unexplained stuff happening, for instance a distinct voice (or phenomenum) interrupting the story -*birdsong, gods playing target practice, invisible creatures etc*
The idea that there can be multiple characters outside the story that may or may not have an interest in what is going on.

Additional Update (day 3):

The concept is taking shape now.
Have adujusted the 'design' or the text and the 'look' of the blog/dite to reflect the intended mood of the sory/concept....
Have added what I hope comes accross as 'interactive' features lol ^_^

Have developed a couple of side ideas ie (User's Guid : Theology  &  Usesr's Manual) which were kinda mentioned before. And added another mini story.

The overal aim now is to develope what I have so far & fine tune/tweek the overaall concept so that it comes accross in the way intended.
I have attempted a couple of proof readings  **ahem attempted**.

...At some point I will have to give this universe, galaxy, earth I have created a name. Do you have any suggestions?

Idiot's Guide:

In order to ease your suspicions I have provided a basic guide to reading mk2 (and all stories found here)...

You may occasionaly encounter blue text at the begining of a story- Think of this as some kind of automated greeting system, making you aware that a story is about to begine and informing you of any information you might need to be aware of.

From time to time you may encounter Gold Text that interjects the story from the far right of you,
This is a rogue character (a god) that may or may not be part of the story.

You will often encounter red text - This text should be taken seriously as it relates to maters of your personal safety and well being.  (^_^)

[Final-ish update - 02/06/12]

I now have a hazy clear image of what the concept is, but I'm not wanting to spoil anything so Im giving nothing away when I say the following ^_^ ...

I submited Earth mk2 today, the concept/idea will hopefuly translate as well as expected and not just seem like mad ramblings (unless intended).
I wrote the begining of another story and done some editing to the Earth mk2 story yeasterday (with some amazing healp from the LM-SubProcess-ProofReading.exe algorthm hehe

Hopefuly people will realise without instruction/telling that the individual stories are part of a bigger thing and may be linked even if they are presented in a different style (though there is little variation just now for continuity reasons) and that the readers interpretations and expectations are part of the concept. - only with some crazy future bio-organic cyberspace shit going onl  ^_^

Being that it is a pretty 'unlikely' Earth I want to give the Earth mk2 its own suniqur (or semi-unique) name  ...still stumped though, keeping the name earth is good and bad but a new name reaffirms its uniqueness in the mind of the reader I reccon - but maybe im thinking to much into it to early.
I'm not sure what Im going to do when it comes to editing/developing stories that may have been commented on :/  -  the earth mk2 story particularly.

insightJC.dll sub-procces just interfaced with the response mechanism, leaving some very good data ^_^     ....I had thought I was a bit hastey with trying to submit so soon but seems to translate ok,

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